Monday, February 9, 2015

Back to being the girl on the kite – My shiny new blog design!

Hey you, guys!

As we land on a brand new week and take a deep breath to see us through till Saturday, I have something exciting to share with all of you.

After 13 months of blogging, I am finally ready with a blog makeover. This one’s a cosmetic makeover, complete with a bright and colorful new banner, shiny new social media buttons and painterly category tabs. Just what I wanted, my little space in the virtual world that’s full of color and the freedom to dream.

My original illustration

The little girl riding on the tail of a kite, excited about the possibilities of new lands and new dreams is so much of what I am about. Always tailing a new dream…mining the gold in the daily…exploring the possibility of joy.

So this is how it all happened…

After almost a year of using a homemade banner for the blog, I decided to add some sparkle and spunk into the visual part of my blog. I sent an illustration I had done to Pinaz Patel, my friend + whimsical graphic designer (she is the one who designed my writing website and you can check out her portfolio here) and asked her to whip up a yummy design based on that. The result? What you see right now. A fresh, fun and filled-with-freedom design.

But while we got the design ready, we still didn’t know of a programmer to help us with the coding…the very thing that gets the design off the computer to the blog. A blog reader and online friend introduced us to Arpit Soni, an entrepreneur and coder, who worked his magic behind the scenes and helped us execute what you see right now.

Thanks Pinaz and Arpit for helping create this! And thanks again for having faith in the project even when I disappeared for long weeks from the online world to take care of my toddler.

As I upload this post, as I write this blog, this change feels good. It urges me on to share my words and my life reminding me every day that I can’t let go of this dream no matter how chaotic life becomes. That even when the days are long and all I seem to do is what a mother with a young child does (follow routines, care for another, play, deal with tantrums), I still am a writer, an explorer of dreams, an artist and an adventurer on this journey called life. And even if I show up at the blog to type out my words every now and then, this little space that I share with you is worthwhile. It’s one small but significant notch in the canvas of my dreams. It’s a wonderful way to connect with all of you, one post at a time. It’s a lovely way to stay inspired and share inspiration one sentence at a time.

So thanks Team and thank you readers for staying on the page for 13 months. 

Let me know what you like about the design J.

#blogdesign #illustration #personalblog


  1. Great blog design.Your illustration is super adorable.Show us more.:-).Have a great week.

  2. As I upload this post, as I write this blog, this change feels good....... that is how every blogger feels I suppose.
    Like that drawing of the kite and the tail (and the girl)


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